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No drama. Just results.
to 10X
No drama. Just results.
How would you like to grow your money today?
South African Retirement
Reality Report
for my retirement
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10X Living Annuity
No drama. Just returns.
A cost-effective solution that could earn you more income in retirement.
Switch to a
10X Retirement Annuity
No drama. Just returns.
A cost-effective solution that could earn you more income in retirement.
Let's create your retirement plan
Why thousands of South Africans invest with 10X
Pay less get more.
Much more.
You might have heard of the "power of compound interest". Whats less talked about is the "tyranny of compounding costs". For example, paying 2% less in fees for 40 years could mean 60% more money.
This is why we offer famously low fees.
Our Investment Portfolios
outperform the big guys.
Trying to pick winning stocks usually fails. Index tracking has been proven to deliver higher returns over the long term. For example, our retirement fund clients who invested in the 10X Your Future Portfolio have enjoyed higher returns over the last 10 years than what they would have received with the average large manager1.
Enjoy simple,
transparent investing.
Investing directly saves you money and gives you more control. All the information 10X shares with you is clear and easy to follow. You will always know what you've paid, made, and where you are in relation to your goals. And of course you can speak to one of our Investment Consultants at any time.
We offer a simple selection of funds designed to help you meet your financial goals. Whether its your next holiday or your retirement we can help you get where you need to be.
View our funds