
Strong governance is fundamental to our business. For most investors, their retirement fund represents their single biggest asset; there is thus a natural concern that this asset is properly managed and protected. Our governance structures establish the necessary security system to safeguard this asset.

Proper governance requires and facilitates complete transparency. Thus, we fully disclose our practices and policies, and provide members (investors), the actual owner of the investment, full insight into every aspect of their retirement plan via the 10X Member Portal.

Financial Sector Conduct Authority

10X Investments is regulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority. We are an authorised financial services provider, permitted to offer advice and discretionary investment management. We are also authorised to administer and manage retirement benefits and investments.

Independent Auditors

10X Investments is audited by PWC.

Independent Auditors

The 10X Investments funds are audited by PWC.

Rand Merchant Bank
Independent Trustee & Custodian

Rand Merchant Bank is the custodian and trustee of the 10X Unit Trusts.

Cell Captive Underwriter

The 10X Living Annuity is underwritten by Guardrisk Life Limi ted (FSP No. 76).

Independent Trustees – 10X Retirement Funds

The 10X Retirement Funds are controlled by an independent Board of Trustees.

The Trustees adopted the 10X Default Glide Path as the Funds’ default investment strategy in accordance with Regulation 37 of the Pension Funds Act. The Counselling Document can be downloaded here

10X Investments manages over R8bn in assets for industry-leading clients

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