Debt ceilings and horse trading

Those who watch the news will be familiar with the concept of America being dangerously close to “hitting its debt ceiling” and, therefore, potentially unable to meet its debt obligations.

In this episode of Not The Daily News, 10X’s Head of Investments, Chris Eddy, and Michael Avery unpack this concept of a self-imposed debt ceiling (legislated upper limit to debt), which can seem both terrifying and farcical.

Fairly regular near-breaches result in dramatic brinkmanship between Democrats and Republicans, lots of tit-for-tat and plenty of horse-trading, as well as real consequences such as a potential government shutdown and concerns around US sovereign ratings. 

History has seen this politicking spill over, sending global markets into a tailspin. Whilst a potential default might grab the headlines, Chris points to this being indicative that the runway for future fiscal stimulus is coming to an end.

Listen to the full episode here:

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