The 10X Blog

Welcome to 10X's award-winning blog. Here you'll find all the information you need to make great investment decisions.

Investing in a time of Coronavirus: FAQ

We are all subjected to a fair bit of scare-mongering at the best of times, even more so in this tim...

Long-term thinking maximises long-term returns

“Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone?” Now that we are in...

Paying a penalty to move your money: short-term pain, long-term gain

When is an exit penalty not really a penalty? “When it is a cost … and you will pay it whether you m...

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Don’t stop saving now, you are getting fantastic value

The Covid-19 crisis and lockdown are really starting to bite and people are looking for ways to redu...

Don’t make a temporary loss permanent

Not understanding what is happening in the markets (and probably in your retirement fund savings) ca...

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