Why you should be bullish in a bear market

For long-term investors, avoiding a bear market is a little like shoppers staying away from the grocery store because prices are down, says Chris Eddy, 10X Investment’s senior investment analyst

Periods of low returns, like we are seeing now, always cause concern, says Eddy. But “the biggest risk when markets do sell off is that people tend to panic. They either don’t invest at all, or they move their savings to a less risky product”.

“This is the thing that really destroys value for long-term investors such as retirement savers,” says Eddy.

There has been quite a lot of volatility in markets this year, Eddy says, and we are in a protracted period of what he calls “anaemic” returns.

“If you go back three to five years returns have generally been below expected long-term returns. It’s soft, it’s flat.”

At times like this, it is more important than ever to remember the golden rule of investing: It’s not about timing the market, but simply time in the market.

“If you are saving in a high equity portfolio you have a certain expectation of long term returns, but we know there will be periods where markets are strong and periods where markets are weak."

“The long-term expected return of our High Equity portfolio is inflation plus 6.5%, but returns are lumpy. Over the last 10 years we have had 5-year returns ranging from as high as inflation plus 14% to as low as inflation plus 3%,” says Eddy.

“When you are in a period of low returns you can look forward to periods of higher returns."

“If you go back to 2009 you had 1-year returns of inflation minus 25%, but within 12 months the market had fully recovered with 1-year returns of inflation plus 25%,” he adds.

People who panicked and moved their savings to cash and bonds locked in their losses and didn’t make that money back.

Eddy says: “If you don’t have an immediate need for your savings it is better to stay invested in the market. Markets tend to mean revert, and that can happen quickly.”

And to those long-term savers who are adopting a wait-and-see approach, Eddy says, this is not a great time to freeze your savings programme. 

“The way to think about,” he says, “is that your R2000 a month or R5000 or whatever it is you are investing into your retirement policy will buy you more units in a high equity fund when the price is low. Think of it as a discount of sorts."

“When prices drop at your local grocery store you don’t say I am going to buy less. When prices are high you don’t say I am going to buy more. But unfortunately that is what people do in investing.”

If you have more than five years remaining before you need to access your savings you have enough time to ride out the short-term volatility.

When an investor’s portfolio value is growing because markets are strong they tend to feel a lot more confident. 

“You are more bullish and feel that you can bear the risk. You are feeling rich, you feel confident, so you buy.”

Eddy acknowledges that it can be an emotional roller-coaster, but says you have to go through the downturns to enjoy the upside.

“We don’t get CPI plus 6.5% in a straight line. We get periods of below average return, but those periods of below average return have always been followed by periods of above average return.”

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