The 10X Blog

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Retirement industry fees: Treasury’s 90-page indictment

National Treasury released its latest retirement reform discussion paper on 11 July 2013. Entit...

Latest statement from National Treasury on retirement reform (issued 16 February 2016)

National Treasury issued a statement on 16 February 2016 on the subject of the retirement reforms du...

Delayed retirement reforms should not delay you reforming your retirement

The retirement reforms set to have taken effect on 1 March 2015 have been delayed, possibly until 20...

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Compulsory annuitisation: leaky arguments can’t plug leaky system

Briefing Parliament’s finance committees on 3 March 2016, Ismail Momoniat (National Treasury Deputy...

Tax cap on retirement fund contributions: what should high savers do?

To save within or without a retirement fund? Thus far, this question has required little debate. The...

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