For Business FAQ

What are the 10X Default Regulation strategies?

There are three retirement-fund default regulations. We have outlined the regulatory requirements below, along with the details on how 10X has accommodated the changes to best suit our members. Regula...

What happens in the event of a participating employee’s death?

Death benefits are governed by Section 37C of the Pension Funds Act. This section instructs the RA fund’s trustees to distribute all retirement fund assets to the deceased dependants and nominated ben...

Who should consider a Group RA?

A Group RA is suitable for businesses or companies seeking to offer their employees a formal retirement fund and who:Have relatively few employees and cannot justify the cost of setting up their own p...

Starting a Fund: Contribution rates (as a % of salary/wage)

There is no right contribution rate. 10X believes an appropriate savings strategy is a 15% contribution rate for a 40 year working life but you have options in this regard. Some companies provide one...

Starting a fund: Product - pension fund or provident fund?

There is no right or wrong decision and there is no consistent choice by employers. We list the main factors influencing the choice between a pension and provident fund.Pension FundThe objective of a...

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