For Business FAQ

What will my pay-out be?

Hi there I just want to know what will my pay-out be. I previously worked at a company for about 2 years and 7months and the total contribution from both my employer and I added up to about R366 (I...

Can I apply for UIF?

My husband was dismissed from SAPS after working there for 6 years. Please advise whether he can apply for UIF.

How long must I wait for my pension/provident fund?

How long must I wait for my pension/provident fund, provided that I have already submitted the forms?

How much will my umbrella fund pay-out be after tax?

Good day, I paid R740 every month towards my Sanlam Umbrella Fund. I want to withdrawn now, so how much (+-) will I get out after tax please. Can you help? Thank you

Is there a time limit on claiming my provident fund?

How long after being medically boarded off in the furniture industry can a person apply for his provident fund; is there a time limit on claiming my provident fund, and how long does the pay-out proce...

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