For Business FAQ

Can I claim my deceased father's UIF?

my father died last year on april, can I claim my deceased father's UIF, and how can i get it?

How long does it take SARS to approve a tax directive?

How long does it take a SARS directive to bring back outcome results based on a Final payment agreement of about 1300 people?

How much tax will I pay on my resignation benefit?

I am planning to resign at the end of July after 19 years of service. How much tax will i pay on my resignation benefit of R823000. I have 3 years of service prior to 1998. I understand that those 3 years will be non taxable. Can you please assist Thank You

Can I get a loan from Sanlam while waiting for them to pay my pension?

If I get fired, can I get a loan from sanlam while waiting for sanlam to pay my pension

Is it possible for me to take out a loan against my provident fund?

hi, i need to know if is it possible for me to take out a loan against my provident fund n if it is possible how do i go about doin it....i have an old mutual superfund...... thank you

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