How to invest with 10X Investments

Figuring out how to save for your future can be overwhelming. At 10X, we don’t complicate what can and should be simple. We don’t offer endless options, and then recommend you pay for advice to help you navigate those options. We offer a single strategy because we believe it’s the best strategy.

We answer a few frequently asked questions below to help you get to grips with investing with 10X Investments.

Which product should I choose? 

That depends on your current situation and your future goals. 10X offers four products, each with a clear purpose.

  • The 10X Retirement Annuity is for people who want to save for their retirement. Retirement Annuities come with great tax benefits.
  • The 10X Preservation Fund is for people who have a pension or provident fund with their employer but are changing jobs and need to move their money to a new fund.
  • The 10X Living Annuity is for people who are retiring and would like to reinvest their retirement savings and be paid a monthly income from those savings.
  • The 10X Unit Trust is for people who are saving for something other than their retirement and would like to have easy access to their savings. 

How do I choose a portfolio for my investment product?

A portfolio is a grouping of assets such as shares, cash, bonds and property. For each product, you will be able to choose a portfolio: either High Equity, Medium Equity, Low Equity or Defensive. If you plan to be invested for 5 years or longer, you should consider the high equity portfolio. This has been proven to deliver the highest returns over the long term, but it is also the most volatile over the short term. 

What is the 10X Life-Stage strategy?

When you sign up for a 10X retirement annuity or preservation fund you will have the option to follow the 10X Life-stage strategy instead of selecting a portfolio. The Life-Stage strategy will automatically transition your portfolio from high equity to low equity as you near retirement.

How much should I invest?

If you are saving for your retirement, we recommend using our retirement savings calculator. This will show you how much you need to retire comfortably and give you an idea of much to save.

Please take note that there is a minimum amount needed to invest in each product. 

Retirement Annuity minimum investment amounts:

  • Monthly debit order of R500
  • AND/OR
  • Once- off payment of R12000
  • AND/OR
  • A transfer from another RA of R25,000

10X Preservation Fund minimum investment amounts:

  • Once off transfer of R50,000
  • AND/OR
  • Transfer of R25,000 if moving from a 10X Fund
  • *If your current savings are below this amount you can transfer to a 10 Retirement Annuity instead.

10X Living Annuity minimum investment amounts:

  • Transfer of R500,000
10X Unit Trust:

  • Monthly Debit order of R500
  • AND/OR
  • Once-off payment of R1000

How do I sign up?

Signing up online is relatively quick and painless. Head to our online invest portal and select the product you would like to sign up for. From there, simply follow the instructions. If you need to save and exit your application at any time you will be able to log in again and continue from where you left off.

What document do I need to submit?

When applying for a 10X Retirement Annuity, the payment option you select will determine which documents you’ll need to submit: 

  • Transfer from existing fund: Benefit Statement and Income Tax Number
  • Monthly debit order: Proof of bank account may be required (we try to verify this electronically first)
  • A lump sum deposit: Proof of address may be required (we try to verify this electronically first)

When applying for a 10X Preservation Fund, you’ll need to submit the following documents:

  • Copy of ID
  • Benefit Statement
  • Income Tax Number 

When applying for a 10X Living Annuity, you’ll need to submit the following documents: 

  • Copy of ID
  • Benefit or Investor's Statement
  • Income Tax Number
  • Proof of bank account may be required (we try to verify this electronically first)

When applying for a 10X Unit Trust, you’ll need to submit the following documents: 

  • Copy of ID
  • Income Tax Number
  • Proof of address may be required (we try to verify this electronically first)
  • Proof of bank account may be required (we try to verify this electronically first)

What do I do if I need help?

We have a team of experts on hand who are dedicating to helping people invest for their futures. Simply email or phone 021 412 1010.

The information and answers supplied in this section do not constitute advice as defined by the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 37 of 2002.

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How much do I need?

We can help you plan your future. Use our calculator to see if you are on track for a comfortable retirement.

RA Calculator

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