Living Annuity FAQ

What happens to my living annuity when I die?

Any residual investment value is distributed among your beneficiary(ies). Other than any retirement fund contributions not claimed for tax – and not yet returned to you by way of a tax-free lump sum o...

Can I cancel, surrender or cash out my living annuity?

You cannot cancel or surrender your living annuity. Even if you decide to emigrate from South Africa, under current law, you are not permitted to surrender your living annuity.You can only cash out yo...

Can I make a lump sum withdrawal from my living annuity?

Hi I am 57 yrs old. Early retirement in April 2013.Have a linked living Annuity(investment retirement income plan),Only took out the tax free portion (on retirement) about R315000. Can I withdraw th...

Can I split retirement annuities across various living annuities?

I have about 5 or 6 different retirement annuities, which in the not too distant future I will have to (or not)somehow consolidate to buy living annuities. In order to do that, can I liquidate them on...

Can I increase my living annuity with unit trusts?

A question herewith please of a move to transfer taxable unit trust funds to a living annuity where no estate duties would be payable on my eventual demise: I am presently retired and receive a mon...

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