Can you stop contributing to your retirement annuity?

Yes. You can make your RA “paid-up”. This means you no longer pay monthly contributions; however you will stay invested until you retire. You may retire from age 55 onwards.

Be aware that if you make your current RA paid up, your service provider may claw back any unrecoverable broker commissions (plus accrued interest) from your investment balance. This should not, however, be a factor in your decision to make your current RA paid up or not, as your service provider will deduct the outstanding broker commissions anyway (either now or in the future).

At 10X, we do not pay broker commissions as we do not use brokers. You therefore do not incur any “penalties” if you make your 10X RA paid-up.

The information and answers supplied in this section do not constitute advice as defined by the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 37 of 2002.

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