Retirement Annuity FAQ

What rate of return I can expect from my retirement annuity?

What is the approximate rate of return I can expect from the funds invested in my retirement annuity when when I retire?

How much will my preservation fund be worth at retirement?

When I cashed in my pension fund I received R500 000 which I then put into a preservation fund in 2012. I am a 48 year old female and plan to retire at age 60. How much will I get out as lump sum how...

Can I make my retirement annuity policy paid up?

Can I make my retirement annuity policy paid up?

How do I get my retirement annuity tax certificate via email?

How do I get my retirement annuity tax certificate for the year 2012 via email?

Can I move my paid-up retirement annuity to another company?

Can one move a paid-up retirement annuity to another company and also change to a unit trust linked product without huge penalties? This is for a person under the age of 55.

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