Do I qualify for benefits from the Murray & Roberts Pension Fund?


My dad Julius worked for metal industry for a long time after working for different companies the problem is he had 2 wives and the deference of his identity nomber and he had passed away by 2011 October when he was working for Murray and Roberts projects at Medupi power station ; how would I know if he qualified to claim or the other wife has claimed as his 1st born son help please! !!


Stanley, You would have to check with the retirement funds attached to his former employers (MIBFA, Murray & Roberts, etc) to see if his benefit was paid out or not. Chances are, he would have claimed his benefits as he moved from employer to employer, so only his last employer may still have a benefit in his name. They may also have paid out this benefit already, typically to the deceased's financial dependants. As another option, you could ask a reputable financial adviser with access to the Astute system to a funds search for you under his ID number.

The information and answers supplied in this section do not constitute advice as defined by the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 37 of 2002.

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