Hi... I would like you to tell me if the company I'm working for is paying my provident fund in because I have not received a form from the company I am working for. The company am working for is deducting provident fund from me every month for the last year but the total on ny payslip of the amount I've paid so far is wrong the amount is only what I've put in for 6 months total amount. The company I am working even shows on my payslip the amount what they surpose to be contributing towards the provident is all so on my payslip. Can you please help me find out if the company I'm working for is paying my provident fund please. COMPANY NAME: TSU Protection Unit. Thank You...
Rashaad, We have no way of knowing or finding out whether your contributions are invested in your provident fund. You need to find out who administers your provident fund and request a benefit statement from them. This will give you an idea as to how much money has been invested in the fund. You should also talk to your payroll department, so that they can explain your payslip to you. It may be that for tax reasons. Your provident fund contributions are classified as 50% being your contribution and 50% as being your employer's contribution (paid by you by way of a salary sacrifice). The "employer's contribution" would then not show up as a deduction off your pay; rather, your salary would be shown net of the employer contribution.