Can I join a preservation fund after I've retired?

I am 67 years old and still fully employed. I can continue to do so for the next few years. Can I terminate my pension, invest in a preservation fund for the next two years and thereafter buy a pensio...

How can I find paid-up policies for my late parents?

My late dad passed away a year after my mom's death. How can I find paid-up policies for both my parents? There was no will at all.

How much will my preservation fund be worth at retirement?

When I cashed in my pension fund I received R500 000 which I then put into a preservation fund in 2012. I am a 48 year old female and plan to retire at age 60. How much will I get out as lump sum how...

How is my provident fund be taxed?

Hi, My dad (63 years old) retired last year to look after my mother who was terminally ill. She passed away earlier this year and my dad is the beneficiary of her provident fund (through her employer...

Can I make my retirement annuity policy paid up?

Can I make my retirement annuity policy paid up?

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