Is it possible for me to take out a loan against my provident fund?
hi, i need to know if is it possible for me to take out a loan against my provident fund n if it is possible how do i go about doin it....i have an old mutual superfund...... thank you
How much tax will I pay on my GEPF resignation benefit?
Hi. Three questions. I am a GEPF member. First: If I am to receive about R3 million as a resignation benefit after 20 yrs service, how much tax will I pay? Second: How will the new laws on resignation and benefit payouts by the Minister of Finance affect the payout? Third: If I move the R3 million to a Preservation fund, how much can I withdraw and by how much will the withdrawal be taxed? thank You.
How is my lump sum pay-out taxed?
I received my 1 third lumpsum in February 2014 from Absa who is the pension fund administrator.I am not satisfied with the tax deductions on my lump sum payment. Please assist
Can I withdraw from my provident fund while employed?
Good day, I have a provident and pension fund with Alexander Forbes through the company. I want to know, if it is possible, can I withdraw from my provident fund while employed. Regards, Rayaan
Does a provident fund form part of the estate of a deceased member?
my father passed away and left the affidavit that states that i'm his legal heir and has two children and was separated to my mom but there were still married but now the employer said that the provident fund will shared by my mom and his girlfriend and me and my younger brother were are not included,so i need to know what must i do because the provident fund adjudicator failed to assist me