Can I sell my retirement annuity?

Can I sell my retirement annuity policy as I desperately need the money?

What are the tax implications when reinvesting a retirement annuity?

I have a Sanlam RA that will pay out in +5 years time. The question/s is/are as follows. Since 2001 I have not been living or working in SA (I have not officially emigrated). Since 2007 I have been working and paying taxes in China, where my Sanlam RA contributions are not tax deductible. What happens at age 55 - do I still pay tax on 1/3rd even though I have not had any tax deductions? Can I reinvest the whole amount for, say, another 5 years and then convert it to a monthly pension (the full amount, not making a cas...

Can a retirement annuity be ceded to another person?

Can someone claiming to be “common law wife” be ceded a retirement annuity policy, and claim the benefits?

What are the differences between a provident and a pension fund?

I am working for a company that uses 2 options for retirement saving: Option 1: provident fund (7.5 % employer contribution and 7.5% employee contribution) Option 2 pension fund and pension provident fund (7.5 % employer contribution and 7.5% employee contribution) What is the best option for the employee, and can one transfer funds from a provident fund to a pension fund when changing employment?

Can I resume payments to my paid-up Old Mutual RA?

My husband had an Old Mutual RA which we stopped contributing to when he lost his job. We would like to resume the payments. How do we go about doing this?

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