Why should I invest with an index fund instead of an active fund manager?

Index funds deliver better long-term returns than actively managed funds. In fact, statistics show that only 1 in 5 actively managed funds ever manage to beat the index.

How long does it take for the fund to pay out the withdrawal benefit?

Provided your tax affairs are in order, and you have submitted all the required documents (such as a copy of your ID, a completed instruction form stating where the money should go, and proof of banking details), it normally takes 10 business days for 10x to pay out the funds. If it takes longer, you should follow up with our administrator to see what is holding up the process (or request your previous HR department to follow up on your behalf).

What happens in the case of a unit trust investor’s death?

Your unit trust investment falls into your deceased estate, and may therefore be subject to Estate Duty. On receipt of the prescribed death notification, 10X will only act on the instructions received from the executor of your estate.

How is my unit trust investment taxed?

Your unit trust investment will earn interest and dividend income, and the price of your units will reflect the changes in the market value of the underlying assets.If you are a South African resident, the interest earned is taxed in your hands per the SARS Income Tax table. The first R23 800 of interest income you earn in any year is not taxed. Any interest income you earn via your Tax-free Savings Account is also exempt.If you are a South African resident, any dividend income earned by the unit trust is subject to a...

How is my money invested in the 10X Unit Trust?

Your money is invested in company shares (local and international), property shares, bonds (nominal and inflation-lined government bonds), and cash. Find out more by downloading the 10X Investment Guide.

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