Why do we use 6%? (Percentage of South Africans who will be able to retire comfortably.)

According to National Treasury only 6% of the population will have accumulated enough money to retire comfortably, without having to sacrifice their standard of living. While National Treasury has cit...

Who should consider using a living annuity?

Choosing between a living and a guaranteed annuity requires a careful evaluation of your personal needs, circumstances and priorities.In this, you must consider a host of factors that are specific to...

Can I transfer my 10X Unit Trust?

You can transfer the 10X Unit Trust to another person or legal entity but this may trigger Capital Gains Tax for your account. You cannot transfer the 10X Unit Trust to another service provider, you m...

Where’s the interest and dividend income for my 10X Unit Trust?

This is automatically re-invested unless you request your interest and dividend income be paid out to you. Interest and dividends earned are re-invested by the index funds underlying the 10X Unit Trus...

What happens in the event of a participating employee’s death?

Death benefits are governed by Section 37C of the Pension Funds Act. This section instructs the RA fund’s trustees to distribute all retirement fund assets to the deceased dependants and nominated ben...

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