How much of my retirement annuity contribution is tax deductible?

Retirement Annuity contributions are tax deductible under S11(k) of the income tax act. Contributions are deductible to a limit of 27.5% of taxable income, capped at an annual limit of R350 000. Contr...

What is the tax on a retirement annuity?

Tax deduction on contributions: Retirement Annuity contributions are tax deductible under S11(k) of the income tax act. Contributions are deductible to a limit of 27.5% of taxable income, capped...

What retirement annuity fund documents do I need when submitting a tax return?

You will need an income tax certificate issued by your RA provider(s), which identifies you, your fund and the amount of your RA contribution that year. You must report the full amount of your contrib...

How can I monitor the performance of my investments?

Every month we publish minimum disclosure documents to show how our funds are performing. In addition to this we also send you a personalised benefit statement.

Is it difficult to switch to 10X?

No. We do all the admin for you, including liaising with your existing provider, at no cost.

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