Can you contribute to a preservation fund?

No. You can only transfer your proceeds from a pension, provident or preservation fund to a preservation fund.

When can you access your preservation fund?

You can make one partial (or full) cash withdrawal at any time before you retire. On retirement from a pension preservation fund, you may take a maximum of 1/3rd of your lump sum as cash; with the bal...

How many preservation funds can you join?

You can join multiple preservation funds (you may join a new fund every time you exit a pension or provident fund), but the tax benefit is determined in aggregate, not in respect of each individual fu...

What are the tax benefits of a preservation fund?

A preservation fund preserves your investment and the tax benefits of a pension or provident fund.Investment returns are tax free – there is no income tax or capital gains taxBenefits are taxed on a f...

How are your retirement annuity benefits taxed?

Source: South African Revenue ServiceAnnuity payments are taxed as income, according to the personal income tax tables.

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