What are the tax benefits of a retirement annuity?

There are three tax benefits:Contributions are tax deductible – you may deduct up to 27,5% of your gross remuneration or taxable income (whichever is the higher) in respect of your total contribu...

Starting and optimising a retirement fund

Planning a pension or provident fund? We think it’s a great idea.Only around 6% of South Africans retire with sufficient income. Inadequate saving is a major contributing factor. As an employer, you c...

Starting a Fund: The preservation fund option

A preservation fund is a retirement fund designed to warehouse the proceeds from previous pension or provident fund. Given that leaving employees have the option to cash in their retirement fund (whic...

Starting a Fund: Should you offer member investment choice?

It is becoming common-practice to offer member choice, allowing employees to choose from a selection of investment managers and funds. Members unable or unwilling to choose are usually invested in a “...

Starting a Fund: Fund rules

Every retirement fund must have a set of fund rules within the form and format prescribed by the Pension Funds Act. The rules are registered with the Financial Services Board and SARS and are binding...

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