For Business FAQ

Starting a Fund: Should you offer member investment choice?

It is becoming common-practice to offer member choice, allowing employees to choose from a selection of investment managers and funds. Members unable or unwilling to choose are usually invested in a “...

Starting a Fund: Fund rules

Every retirement fund must have a set of fund rules within the form and format prescribed by the Pension Funds Act. The rules are registered with the Financial Services Board and SARS and are binding...

Starting a Fund: Board of Trustees and Principal Officer

Every fund must appoint a management board to run the affairs of the fund. This is called the board of trustees. In addition, the fund must appoint a principal officer, to deal with the day-to-day run...

Starting a Fund: Service providers

The following services are offered to company retirement funds:Advice/consultingAdministrationInvestment managementThe employer should conduct a cost-benefit analysis when selecting service providers....

Starting a Fund: Risk benefits (life cover, disability etc.)

There is no obligation – or need – to provide insurance cover (such as life cover, disability, dread disease and funeral) with a retirement fund, although these may be facilitated. There are essential...

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