For Business FAQ

Can I join a bargaining council fund and company fund?

I working in the company that has it's own provident fund under bargaining counsel, so can I also join umbrella provident fund?

Can my ex claim maintenance from my provident fund?

Hi, I would like to know whether or not my ex can claim maintenance from my provident fund?

Can someone email me the forms to withdraw my pension fund?

can someone email me the forms to withdraw my pension fund?

When can I borrow against my spouse's name?

I don't work, but my husband is working for 1 company 18 years. He is blacklisted for credit cards due to taking care of my Mom's medical needs. She passed away, so now we are in financial difficul...

Will SARS tax me again on my lump sum payout?

10x investment calculated my tax and found that is around 17%. my question is now is that" is SARS going to tax me again after GEPF". IF SO at what %?

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