For Business FAQ

What is the average TER for umbrella funds?

Our Company Pension Fund has changed administrators to an umbrella fund a few months ago. We were informed it would be cheaper but new TER has increase from 2.25% to 3.36% (includes death/disability a...

Can my employer delay payout of my provident fund?

My employer delaying payout of my provident fund against allegations of attempted theft. They hold no evidence whatsoever of the mentioned crime against me, nor do they have any court judgement to...

Does my spouse have to sign anything regarding my claim?

I am still legally married but have not been together for 2 years. My former employer sent me pension paper's for a payout. Do I have to have my spouse sign any papers. And can my spouse try to get...

What does the surplus amount paid depend on?

Hi my name is refiloe last year in january i lodged a claim with mibfa den aroun april this year got an sms saying my fathers claim is being prossed.then yesterday i got a letter from mibfa with bank...

How is the the payment of death benefits regulated?

Please indicate with which investment/ fund children over 21yrs are not elegible to benefit on the death of the parent even if listed as a beneficiary?

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