For Business FAQ

Is there a new law governing provident fund pay-outs?

Hi, Is there a new law regarding the pay-out of provident funds? The reason I ask is my friend resigned from our company on the 31st of January and she is still waiting for them to pay her out. I wa...

Can I withdraw my provident fund during a company takeover?

Hi... I have a question, I just want to know how this really works legally. When you work for contractors and they hand the company and employees over to the company they have the contract with, examp...

Do I pay tax on my military and special pensions?

I receive military pension and special pension whilst I'm still working. Every year SARS charges me areas in tax whilst this money is non-taxable. What percentage can I pay SARS to avoid these areas?

What are the fund rules for commuting ILLA pensions?

Please clarify the current rules for commuting small ILLA pensions. I have one small ILLA through Investec Asset Management, which has a capital balance of about R30 000, but the admin fees are beginn...

How much tax will I pay upon my first pension fund withdrawal?

I am resigning from my current job and would like to partially withdraw from my pension fund. How much will they tax me? This is my 1st partial withdrawal.

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