10X invests each client's money according to their retirement date. Those more than 5 years from retirement are invested in the 10X High Equity Portfolio, to maximise their long-term return. Those within 5 years of retirement are invested in portfolios with gradually declining equity exposure to preserve their capital. This is called the 10X Automated GlidePath. You can choose to opt out of GlidePath. If you are buying a Living Annuity, you need to choose between or Low, Medium or High Equity portfolio. You can read a blog article on which portfolio is right for you here. All of our Unit Trust clients are opted into the High Equity Portfolio. The 10X Unit Trust is suitable for investors with an investment time horizon of at least five years
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How to invest with 10X Investments
Figuring out how to save for your future can be overwhelming. At 10X, we don’t complicate what can a...
What does the advent of the EAC mean for 10X?
The advent of Effective Annual Cost (EAC) is superfluous for clients when examining the 10X offering...
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