General FAQ

What is the right product for me?

This depends on your investment period and goals.Unit TrustSuitable for meeting your non-retirement investment goals, as they do not have the tax incentives provided to retirement funds. These goals c...

What products does 10X sell?

We offer the following products:Unit TrustRetirement AnnuityLiving AnnuityPreservation Fund

How has 10X performed historically compared to other funds?

Since its inception, the 10X High Equity portfolio has consistently outperformed the average return of large fund managers (before fees). For a full breakdown of our performance, see here.

How should I choose between different portfolios?

10X invests each client's money according to their retirement date. Those more than 5 years from retirement are invested in the 10X High Equity Portfolio, to maximise their long-term return. Those wit...

What are the investment portfolios that 10X offers?

We have 3 portfolios that we offer: High Equity, Medium Equity and Low Equity.

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Investing is simple and easy with 10X's award winning low cost investment solution

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