Preservation Fund FAQ

What are the rules for new contributions to preservation funds?

What are the rules for new contributions to preservation funds?

What are the advantages of a preservation fund?

What are the advantages of investing in a preservation fund?

Can I transfer a pension preservation fund to a living annuity?

1. I have about R6.5m in a high cost pension preservation fund I want to transfer to either a low cost fund or a living annuity. I am 66 years old and retired. 2. Can I somehow transfer 50% of the fu...

Can I withdraw from my preservation fund if I am disabled?

At the end of 2008 I got retrenched and transferred my monies into a pension preservation fund. In March 2009 I withdrew 1/3. In August 2009 I went for spinal surgery and on the operating table became...

How will my pre-retirement preservation fund withdrawal be taxed?

I have R1 055 000 in my pension fund and am planning to resign at the end of January 2014. According the fund rules, R420 000 is tax free. If I withdraw this tax-free portion and transfer the balan...

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