Preservation Fund FAQ

Can I transfer a retirement annuity to a company pension fund?

Can you transfer a paid-up retirement annuity with a value above R7 000 to a company pension fund?

Can I join a preservation fund after I've retired?

I am 67 years old and still fully employed. I can continue to do so for the next few years. Can I terminate my pension, invest in a preservation fund for the next two years and thereafter buy a pensio...

Can I access a portion of my pension fund during financial stress?

Good day. At the moment I'm going through financial stress. I am currently employed; is it possible to get access to a small portion of my pension fund?

What differentiates a pension preservation from a provident preservation fund?

When I resigned last year in June I converted my pension provident fund into a preservation fund (I was turning 55 in August of 2012). I was advised that I could access 1/3 of my provident fund, which...

What procedure should I follow if my pension fund pay-out was incorrect?

I have been retrenched & received only half of my pension fund. What procedure should I follow if my pension fund pay-out was incorrect?

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