Retirement Annuity FAQ

What is the annual growth that can be expected on the 10X RA?

At present I have a retirement annuity with your competitor. Your costs are clearly stated, but what is the annual growth that can be expected on the 10X RA? I am considering transferring. I am over 5...

Can I transfer my RA after withdrawing a cash lump sum?

Paid-up Master Adapter Managed Linked RA Illustration of maturity value: Growth - 4%, R59 712 Growth - 10%, R 68 016 Current fund value - R 55 691 Death claim value - R 55 691 Ill-health retirem...

Can I continue contributing to my RA past the maturity date?

I have two retirement annuities with Sanlam and have elected to retire at age 55. Can I opt to continue contributing to this retirement annuity until, for example, age 65 or am I tied to the contract?...

At what is the SA Equity capped?

Hi there, I see that the SA All Share Index tracker has a weighted restriction. Are there similar restrictions on the other asset classes, or are they based on market-cap?

Is there rebate on retirement annuity contributions?

Can you get tax rebate if you do not have medical aid or a retirement annuity?

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