Can I get my money back if I cancel my retirement annuity?

If I cancel my retirement can I get my monies that I have already paid to you?

What can I do to find out if I have surplus funds due to me?

I used to work in steel industries for 12yrs that was between 1986 up 1998 but i never new about the surplus fund so what can i do to find out if i have surplus funds due to me?

Can I transfer a provident fund tax-free into a retirement annuity?

Hello I have changed employers and therefore have to withdraw from a provident fund. I have been told that the provident sum can not be transferred to a retirement annuity but must be taken as a cash...

Can I get my money if I am not registered with SARS?

at my previous employer i just found out i was not registered to sars so nw i wanted to know will i be able to get my pension fund

Can I claim my late husband's surplus?

my husband passed away in 2006. I just want too know if I will get his surplus and how too go above this

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