What happens to my retirement fund after I resign?
I resigned in 2009 and only received a retirement annuity cash lump sum. I have no idea about the workings of the pension and provident fund pay-out process. Please advise on the legitimacy of the claims and closure on PF's.
How much tax will I pay on my pension resignation benefit?
My pension resignation benefit is R2 173 774. If I resign at the age of 51, how much tax will I pay on the above mentioned figure?
Why can't I make a withdrawal from my pension fund?
I have invested my pension from a previous employer and I am in desperate need of the money now. I am not yet 55 years old and was told that I cannot make a withdrawal because of the rules of the transferring fund. My former employer when into liquidation and I do not understand why I cannot get access to the money now. Please advise.
Can I make a withdrawal from my provident fund?
Can I make a withdrawal from my provident fund? I want to put down a deposit on a house. I've been working for a private company for 12 years and I just want some of my provident fund money.
Is it advisable to move my Old Mutual RA to my Momentum RA?
My retirement annuity broker wants to revive a Momentum Balanced Growth Fund. The two retirement annuities he wants to transfer are Old Mutual Smoothed Bonuses Funds. The amount at Old Mutual is R1025 000.00 and the amount at Momentum is R446 698.00. My broker wants to transfer the Old Mutual funds to the Momentum policy. I am 48 years old in August this year. What is your best advise on my way forward to retirement?