How has 10X performed historically compared to other funds?

Since its inception, the 10X High Equity portfolio has consistently outperformed the average return of large fund managers (before fees). For a full breakdown of our performance, see here.

How should I choose between different portfolios?

10X invests each client's money according to their retirement date. Those more than 5 years from retirement are invested in the 10X High Equity Portfolio, to maximise their long-term return. Those wit...

What are the investment portfolios that 10X offers?

We have 3 portfolios that we offer: High Equity, Medium Equity and Low Equity.

What indices do you track?

We track the following indices: 10X Top 60 SA Share IndexJSE Government Bond Index (GOVI) Barclays/ABSA SA Government Inflation-linked Bond Index10X SA Property IndexAF Short Term Fixed Intere...

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