For Business FAQ

How do I find out if there are any funds due to me?

I was working for this company 1989-1990. I never got any pension from them. Is there any money for me?

How much tax am I going to pay on my resignation benefit?

Hi I will like to know if I resing from work how much tax I'm going to pay if I have R195800 in my retiment founds

Can I use my retirement fund benefit as security for a loan?

I'm resigning at south African police I've found another job so I want to buy a car immediately after resigning reason being that its far were I'm employed and I'm broke no taxi can rich the place I...

Why can't I withdraw my fund if I did an inter-company transfer?

I would like to ask about provident fund. I'm working for a mining company. I was with another business unit within the mine industry and now i have been appointed by another business unit. Both busin...

Is voluntary retrenchment considered to be the same as resignation?

I suffer from a non work illness namely Rheumatiod arthritis, Oestio arthritis and now have had my Fifth major back operation. my employer has started procedings to have me medically boarded but Old M...

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