Retirement Annuity FAQ

Can I access my retirement annuity early due to medical reasons?

I am 50, due to Medical reasons I am going to take early retirement. I am unemployed. I have a Paid up Retirement Annuity with Liberty will I be able to have any access to these funds?

Can I stay invested in the 10X High Equity portfolio indefinitely?

I an 55 retirement age 65. I need to save as much as possible in the next 10 years. If I choose may I stay on the high risk option for longer than your plan allows?

Should I transfer my annuities if I reside overseas?

I have 3 paid up retirement annuities with Liberty Life. I am currently living in Australia, and am unsure what to do about them. We are not sure if we will get permanent residence here, but that is o...

How can I obtain my income tax certificate?

I am kindly requesting an income tax certificate in respect of the policy number [number withheld] for 2013 financial year. Please forward it to the above mentioned email address as soon as possibl...

Can I claim for UIF if I am forced to retire?

The company that I work for has a policy where staff have to retire at 61. As I am still able to work and through no fault of mine, will I be able to claim UIF.

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