Unit Trust FAQ

Can I transfer my 10X Unit Trust?

You can transfer the 10X Unit Trust to another person or legal entity but this may trigger Capital Gains Tax for your account. You cannot transfer the 10X Unit Trust to another service provider, you m...

Where’s the interest and dividend income for my 10X Unit Trust?

This is automatically re-invested unless you request your interest and dividend income be paid out to you. Interest and dividends earned are re-invested by the index funds underlying the 10X Unit Trus...

Can I make regular monthly contributions via debit order?

Yes, you can make regular monthly contributions via debit order to the 10X Unit Trust. The minimum debit order is R500.

What is the cost of the 10X Unit Trust?

The cost of the 10X Unit Trust is 0,50% (plus VAT).There is no initial fee.There is no administration fee.There is no termination or unit trust exit fee.On your instruction, we will pay an advice fee...

What reports can I expect from the 10X Unit Trust?

Investment report: This is published online every month and details the investment returns of the 10X Unit Trust and the asset class benchmarks (equities, bonds, property and cash).Investor portal: Th...

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