Unit Trust FAQ

Are there restrictions as to how much I can draw out of my unit trust?

I have 2 investments 1mil in a fixed deposit and 1mil in unit trusts will I be able to draw my yearly tax free allowance from both without incurring any further tax (ie) my tax free alowance from intr...

Does investing in a unit trust for my children require a tax number?

Good evening We would like to open unit trust investments for our children. Do they need income tax reference numbers before this can be done? Regards Justin

What is the TER for retirement funds?

Hi, What is the current TER on the High Equity fund? Thanks Dylan

Should I transfer discretionary savings into a living annuity?

Living Annuity or Unit Trust for income For someone at retirement age with R4 Million in discretionary investments, are there any advantages to purchasing a retirement annuity (even though they wou...

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