Unit Trust FAQ

Where can I track the unit price of the 10X Unit Trust?

The unit price is updated and published on the 10X Investor Portal.

Can I make regular withdrawals from the 10X Unit Trust?

Yes, you can request a monthly withdrawal. The payment date is the 25th of every month, or the preceding business day, if the 25th is not a business day.

Can I purchase 10X Unit Trust units by monthly contributions?

You may select to purchase units via debt order on the 1st of each month. 10X will collect your debit order, and invest it in the unit trust.

How do I purchase units in the 10X Unit Trust?

Download the 10X Unit Trust Application Form, or request this by e-mailing retail@10X.co.za or calling us at 021 412 1010. Complete and sign the form and fax (0865 201 934) or e-mail it back to u...

When can I sell units in the 10X Unit Trust?

Units bought with a direct debit or a recurring debit order can only be sold 45 days after each investment date.

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