Preservation Fund FAQ

Can I cancel my pension preservation fund?

Can I cancel my pension preservation fund. I do not want to continue with it any more. What are the implications. Can I terminate this all together and take my money; I'd not can I appeal. Will it be taxed.

How does Regulation 28 impact preservation funds?

How would Regulation 28 impact portfolios and investments that are used in provident and preservation funds?

How do I cancel my provident fund?

I am with Momentum and have a pension & provident fund. I want do cancel my provident, because I need money. How do I cancel my provident fund?

Can I access the balance of my preservation fund before age 55?

Dear Sir/Madam, I have withdrawn a partial balance from my acumen preservation fund before the retirement age of 55, of which I am now 47, bearing in mind that I may retire from the fund at the age of 55 onwards. Is it possible for me to withdraw the remainder of my preservation fund? I am in a dire financial situation as my daughter has been accepted at University for 2014 and I have no other option as I am unemployed at present and she does not have any other financial assistance or bursaries in her first year...

Can I make a second preservation fund withdrawal?

I have money in a Sanlam Preservation Fund. I have made one withdrawal, but need some more funds released. Can I make a second preservation fund withdrawal?

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